Problems are sexy. And your brand needs to solve one.
No one’s lying awake at night fantasising about your product.
Shocking, I know.
What keeps them up?
Their problems.
That annoying, nagging, can’t-shake-it pain point that needs solving.
Your brand only becomes desirable when you step up as the problem-solver.
No problem to solve? No sale.
So, how do you uncover their problems?
These three problem levels are your key to getting inside your customers’ heads—and winning their hearts while you’re at it.
1 – External Problems.
The obvious stuff.
“I need a plumber because my bathroom is now a swamp.”
2 – Internal Problems.
The feelings behind the mess.
“I’m stressed AF because I’ve got guests arriving, and my bathroom smells like sh*t.”
3 – Philosophical Problems.
The deeper meaning.
“I deserve a home that doesn’t make me want to cry.”
Why does it work?
People buy solutions, not features.
If your marketing doesn’t make them feel their problem—and believe you can fix it—you’re just white noise in their inbox.
But how can you use problems to connect with your dream customers?
Call it out. Be blunt. Say, “We get it—[insert problem here] sucks.” Make them nod along.
Twist the knife (gently). Highlight what happens if they don’t fix it. No scare tactics, just reality checks.
Offer the Fix. Enter your brand as the saviour with a no-brainer solution.
A problem is just an opportunity for your brand to solve it.
Sooooo, show them why you’re the solution they’ve been waiting for.
Then watch the $ales happen.
Be bold.
Be unforgettable.
Be unstoppable.
Make your